Enlightened Weight Loss Coaching
How it WorksIn this journey,
you will become enlightened to what’s really going on under there in the root causes of your eating and your weight. You will bring light to what’s been in the dark. You will know your Profound Reasons. Then, you will know precisely what beliefs you want to change. And, can form more helpful and truer ideas of yourself, how the world works and entertain possiblities that will leave you feeling safer, more supported, loved, seen… and what your heart is really wanting.
The process is liberating, fun,
and deeply satisfying. You will feel compassion for your story and grow your self-acceptance and unconditional self-love, leading to more peace and resilience. You will become a loving and grounded presence for yourself, able to come closer to yourself and be with your feelings.
Simultaneously, you will incorporate these, and other qualities specific to your healing, into your relationship with food. Sustainable weight loss is your natural and inevitable result. You will eat from Your Own Personal Eating Manifesto and come to Live the Way You Eat. Here is a more detailed list of the results I typically see.
The paradigm of coaching is excellent for weight loss.
Coaching is based on wellness and the belief that we are creative, resourceful and whole. We know ourselves and have our own answers. We just need a compassionate, dedicated, skilled partner to facilitate our process of accessing our wisdom. That’s the role I’d fulfill for you.
As a certified coach from an ICF accredited school, I do not tell you what to do – like a football coach. I ask you. I ask you evocative questions that pull your wisdom and your answers out of you. We will also do guided visualization and other exercises to access your deeper knowledge. This is the magic of coaching. You see how much you really do know within you and what your right solutions are. I help illuminate your way. We may pull valuable information from the past but then move forward with it, not stay there. Coaching is goal oriented and moves forward with momentum.
Healing your root causes
is the only lasting solution there is for an emotional eater.
You are an emotional eater if you:
- eat when you are not hungry
- often eat beyond fullness
- binge at night or when you are alone
- feel out of control or compulsive about food
- sneak eat
- use food for love, comfort, stress relief, distraction, etc…
- want to avoid feelings, escape, tune out with food
- find that diets have not worked for you in the long run
You may also tend to be:
- a perfectionist and all or nothing in your approach to dieting
- a high achiever
- hard on yourself
- sensitive and perceptive, affected by the moods of others
Will I Succeed?
- You will be wildly successful if you are:
- Why it will be different this time:
- Regarding looking inside yourself:
- willing to be curious and compassionate with yourself
- courageous and ready to do the real work to heal from the root of the problem
- committed to focusing on your personal growth
- willing to release sugar and flour if you have a physiological addiction to these foods
- free from clinical depression right now or on effective medication
- willing to let go of old ways
- hopeful and excited about moving forward
- willing to see yourself differently and entertain new possibilities of what might be possible in your life
If you can answer with a sincere, “Yes!” to each of these questions, then you will experience tremendous results with coaching. And, we will have a lot of fun together.
You might say, “I am frustrated and discouraged. How do I know that this time I will be successful in losing weight and keeping it off?” This is why it will be different this time:
Starting another diet is like building another house on the same old foundation – that can not sustain it. Soon, the house begins to slide and needs to be torn down. Then, you again build another one on the same foundation and the pattern repeats. The foundation continues to not get the attention or repairs it needs in order to support the house for good. During your Enlightened Weight Loss Journey, you will be changing your foundation!
“Cultivate the root. The leaves and branches will take care of themselves.” – Confucious
You might think, “I can’t do it. It will be too painful. I can’t go there.”
Yes, you actually can!
Things unfold and reveal themselves one at a time according to how ready you are for them. I will be holding your hand with an extraordinary level of support and encouragement. You will stay motivated and inspired.
You will automatically want to eat well and exercise because it is congruent with who you have become. You will create a new foundation of perspectives and beliefs which allow you to arrive and thrive at your natural weight. And, when you reach your goal weight, you will already have the tools in place to stay there with ease and grace.
It has been an honor for me to witness my clients’ journeys and see life-changing results over and over again. I look forward to witnessing your success, too.
Wonder and I took a vow; We exchanged rings. I fell in love. And she accepted all my desires…
RumiAre you willing? Are you ready?
Do you have a little hope, curiosity, a spirit of exploration, a need for something fresh and different? Contact me for a Discovery Coaching Session. From there, we’ll know if we’re a fit and if individual coaching or group coaching is best for you.