Resources for Weight Loss & Emotional Eating
Recommendations by DeniseRecommended Books
Eating in the Light of the Moon, How Women Can Transform their Relationships with Food through Myths, Metaphors & Storytelling, Anita Johnston, PhD, 1996
This is the most soulful, heart penetrating book I ever read on emotional eating! It’s empowering for all women, food issues or not. She shares a story in each chapter to help make her point, which makes it very enjoyable to read.
When Food is Love, Geneen Roth, 1991
I recommend anything by Geneen Roth. She is America’s foremost authority on healing emotional eating. Her book: Women, Food and God was on the best seller list for weeks after she appeared on Oprah. Her workshops and retreats are highly worthwhile.
A Course in Weight Loss, 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever, Marianne Williamson, 2010
If Women, Food and God is a little more about what, this one is a little more about how. It’s based on the spiritual study: A Course in Miracles; rich and juicy; almost like a workbook.
Shrink Yourself, Break free from Emotional Eating Forever, The therapist’s guide to losing weight, Roger Gould MD, 2007
Written by a shrink, psychiatrist Dr. Gould, covers the bases of what lurks beneath emotional eating behaviors.
The Slow Down Diet, Eating for Pleasure, Energy, & Weight Loss, Marc David, 2005
Refreshing new way to lose weight! Perfect for the yo-yo dieter who can’t bare another diet.
Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tridole, MS, RD, Elyse Resch, MS, RD, 1995
Also a liberating way to approach eating and gain a healthy relationship with food.
The Language of Emotions, What Your Feelings are Trying to Tell You, Karla McLaren, 2010
A must for all emotional eaters; to be able to receive wisdom from feelings instead of numbing them with food.
Loving What Is, Four Questions that Can Change Your Life, Byron Katie, 2002
She explains her style of coaching and gives remarkable case studies in which people in dreadful situations shift their perception and come to peace.
Radical Forgiveness, Making Room for the Miracle, Colin Tipping , 2000
Freeing. Radical concepts.
Radical Self-Acceptance, Tara Brach, 2008
Relieving and freeing!
Freedom from Your Inner Critic, A Self-Therapy Approach, Jay Early, Bonnie Weiss, 2013
Understand and work effectively with you inner critic for it’s help and for your peace. Everyone needs this!
SoulCraft, Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche, Bill Plotkin, 2003
Building communication and relationship with your soul, with the help of nature.
Riding Between the Worlds, Expanding Our Potential Through the Way of the Horse, Linda Kohanov, 2003
Stories of people understanding themselves and healing through therapy with horses.
Personal Power through Awareness, Sanaya Roman, 1986
Beautifully written book for fortifying your inner life.
The Power of Now, A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle, 1999
This is about being present ultimately to have peace. The first third may seem tedious, but it’s worth getting through it to help release what’s in the way. This book was more enjoyable to me via audio.
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra, M.D., 1993
How life can have ease and flow.
You Already Know What to Do, 10 Invitations to the Intuitive Life, Sharon Franquemont, 1999
Great exercises to develop your intuition.
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay, 1984
Her definitive book. Uplifting.
SuperFoods Rx, Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews, 2004
Added blurbs on studies and interesting facts make reading about nutrition exciting
Healing with Whole Foods, Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, 3rd Edition, Paul Pitchford, 2002
You on a Diet, The Owner’s Manual for Waist Management, Michael F. Roizen, MD, Mehmet C. Oz, MD, 2009
Fun to read explanations and diagrams
Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell, The First Weight-Control Program Designed Specifically for Women, Debra Waterhouse, MPH, RD, 1993
You’ll be saying, “Ahh, now I get it!” She is my favorite nutritionist author, making weight and nutrition concepts understandable and fun.
Why Women Need Chocolate, Debra Waterhouse, MPH, RD, 1995
The Eat-Clean Diet, Tosca Reno, 2007
This is a cookbook and strategy book with new ideas and recipes for healthy eating. It was affiliated with Clean Eating Magazine.
Recommended Links
Clean-Eating Magazine: worthwhile recipes, cooking and product tips, even meal plans
www.choosemyplate.gov: USDA site provides guidelines on nutritious eating.
www.coachfederation.org: International Coach Federation is the most respected organization that accredits schools and credentials coaches. Here, you can learn more about coaching.
www.healthcastle.com: written by dietitians, excellent source for nutrition education
www.sparkpeople.com: offers online weight loss support: education, calorie counter, community
www.personaltrainingteam.com: personal strength training in their Redmond, WA studios or in your home